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LIEDER Histology of Mammalia 2400, elementary set, 25 microscope slides
Histology of Mammalia 2400, elementary set, 25 microscope slides
$ 560.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Levenhuk Prepared slides set with blank slides
Prepared slides set with blank slides
$ 11.90
ready for shipping in 24 h
LIEDER Sec. School, Set No. IV. Hormone Organs and Hormonal Functions, 7 microscope slides
Sec. School, Set No. IV. Hormone Organs and Hormonal Functions, 7 microscope slides
$ 99.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
LIEDER Histology of domestic animals for veterinary medicine part II, 24 slides
Histology of domestic animals for veterinary medicine part II, 24 slides
$ 266.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
LIEDER General Parasitology.  Large Set, 50 Microscope slides
General Parasitology. Large Set, 50 Microscope slides
$ 800.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Invertebrata, supplementary set, 50 microscope slides
Invertebrata, supplementary set, 50 microscope slides
$ 570.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Histology of domestic animals for veterinary medicine part I, 24 slides
Histology of domestic animals for veterinary medicine part I, 24 slides
$ 247.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Parasites, pathogenic bacteria and insect pests for veterinary medicine, (31 slides)
Parasites, pathogenic bacteria and insect pests for veterinary medicine, (31 slides)
$ 392.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Animal, Human and Plant Cytology, 25  microscope slides
Animal, Human and Plant Cytology, 25 microscope slides
$ 362.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Insecta, supplementary set, 36 microscope slides
Insecta, supplementary set, 36 microscope slides
$ 395.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
Discovery Fauna 12 Prepared Slides Set
Fauna 12 Prepared Slides Set
$ 8.90
ready for shipping in 24 h
LIEDER Mammals (Mammalia) histology, basic set (25 slides)
Mammals (Mammalia) histology, basic set (25 slides)
$ 275.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Pathological Histology for veterinary medicine, 22  slides
Pathological Histology for veterinary medicine, 22 slides
$ 275.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Sec. Schoo, Set No. V. Genetics, Reproduction and Embryology, 19 microscope slides
Sec. Schoo, Set No. V. Genetics, Reproduction and Embryology, 19 microscope slides
$ 274.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Insecta, elementary set (25 slides)
Insecta, elementary set (25 slides)
$ 269.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Se. School, Set No. III. Organs of Sense, 16 microscope slides
Se. School, Set No. III. Organs of Sense, 16 microscope slides
$ 210.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER The Frog (Rana), 20 microscope slides
The Frog (Rana), 20 microscope slides
$ 202.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Invertebrata, elementary set, 25 microscope slides
Invertebrata, elementary set, 25 microscope slides
$ 257.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Embryology and development of animals, Supplementary Set of 12 slides, Student Set
Embryology and development of animals, Supplementary Set of 12 slides, Student Set
$ 165.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Genetic slides, Supplementary Set of 12 slides, Student Set
Genetic slides, Supplementary Set of 12 slides, Student Set
$ 163.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER The Frog Embryology (Rana sp.), 10 microscope slides
The Frog Embryology (Rana sp.), 10 microscope slides
$ 159.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER The Chicken Embryology (Gallus domesticus), 10 microscope slides
The Chicken Embryology (Gallus domesticus), 10 microscope slides
$ 160.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Bacteria, Basic Set of 6 slides, Student Set
Bacteria, Basic Set of 6 slides, Student Set
$ 162.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER The Honey Bee (Apis mellifica), 18 microscope slides
The Honey Bee (Apis mellifica), 18 microscope slides
$ 191.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER The Sea Urchin Embryology (Echinus miliaris), 12 microscope slides
The Sea Urchin Embryology (Echinus miliaris), 12 microscope slides
$ 191.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Series for Secondary Schools, Set No. II. Metabolism, 15 microscope slides
Series for Secondary Schools, Set No. II. Metabolism, 15 microscope slides
$ 142.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Prepared microscope slides of parasites, 6 slides
Prepared microscope slides of parasites, 6 slides
$ 143.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER The Animal Cell, 12 microscope slides
The Animal Cell, 12 microscope slides
$ 164.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Frog Histology (Rana), Basic Set of 12 slides, Student Set
Frog Histology (Rana), Basic Set of 12 slides, Student Set
$ 138.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Embryology and development of animals, Basic Set of 6 slides, Student Set
Embryology and development of animals, Basic Set of 6 slides, Student Set
$ 101.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Genetic slides, Basic Set of 6 slides, Student Set
Genetic slides, Basic Set of 6 slides, Student Set
$ 104.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Mitosis and Meiosis (Cell division), Basic Set of 6 slides, Student Set
Mitosis and Meiosis (Cell division), Basic Set of 6 slides, Student Set
$ 117.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Insects, Supplementary Set of 12 slides, Student Set
Insects, Supplementary Set of 12 slides, Student Set
$ 139.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Invertebrates, Supplementary Set of 12 slides, Student Set
Invertebrates, Supplementary Set of 12 slides, Student Set
$ 139.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Sec. School,  Cells, Tissues and Organs, 13 microscope slides
Sec. School, Cells, Tissues and Organs, 13 microscope slides
$ 126.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months
LIEDER Protozoa, Basic Set of 8 slides, Student Set
Protozoa, Basic Set of 8 slides, Student Set
$ 132.00
ready for shipping in 3-6 months