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Euromex 6-positions fluorescence attachment iScope with 2 empty filter blocks without filters
6-positions fluorescence attachment iScope with 2 empty filter blocks without filters
$ 7,800.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Ergonomic tilting head IS.5700, 5-35° f. iScope IOS series
Ergonomic tilting head IS.5700, 5-35° f. iScope IOS series
$ 1,000.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Camera adaptor Kamera-Adapter AE.5130, Universal SLR adapter 2x f. 23.2 mm Tubus
Camera adaptor Kamera-Adapter AE.5130, Universal SLR adapter 2x f. 23.2 mm Tubus
$ 319.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Transport cases IS.4300 carrying case for ISCOPE
Transport cases IS.4300 carrying case for ISCOPE
$ 194.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Dust cover extra-large
Dust cover extra-large
$ 17.90
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex 3-positions fluorescence attachment iScope with 2 empty filter blocks without filters
3-positions fluorescence attachment iScope with 2 empty filter blocks without filters
$ 3,000.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Polarization filter IS.9600, 45 mm for lamp house of iScope
Polarization filter IS.9600, 45 mm for lamp house of iScope
$ 177.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Measuring eyepiece IS.6010-P,  WF10x/20, pointer, microm., Ø 23,2 mm (iScope)
Measuring eyepiece IS.6010-P, WF10x/20, pointer, microm., Ø 23,2 mm (iScope)
$ 86.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Euromex Measuring eyepiece IS.6010-CM, WF10x/20 mm, 10/100 microm., crosshair, Ø 23.2 mm (iScope)
Measuring eyepiece IS.6010-CM, WF10x/20 mm, 10/100 microm., crosshair, Ø 23.2 mm (iScope)
$ 104.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Euromex Slider with dark field stop IS.9170, f. iScope}
Slider with dark field stop IS.9170, f. iScope}
$ 91.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Objective IS.7400, 100x/1.30 oil immers, PLi, plan, fluarex, infinity, Spring (iScope)
Objective IS.7400, 100x/1.30 oil immers, PLi, plan, fluarex, infinity, Spring (iScope)
$ 1,400.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Polarization filter IS.9626, f. mouting u. the head (iScope)
Polarization filter IS.9626, f. mouting u. the head (iScope)
$ 79.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Objective IS.8100, 100x/0.90, PLMi IOS, plan, infinity (iScope)
Objective IS.8100, 100x/0.90, PLMi IOS, plan, infinity (iScope)
$ 1,010.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Measuring eyepiece IS.6210-CM, WF 10x / 22,10/100 microm., crosshair, Ø 30mm (iScope)
Measuring eyepiece IS.6210-CM, WF 10x / 22,10/100 microm., crosshair, Ø 30mm (iScope)
$ 121.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Measuring eyepiece IS.6210-C, WF10x / 22 mm, crosshair, Ø 30 mm (iScope)
Measuring eyepiece IS.6210-C, WF10x / 22 mm, crosshair, Ø 30 mm (iScope)
$ 118.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Objective IS.7200, 100x/1.25 oil immers., PLi, plan, infinity, Spring (iScope)
Objective IS.7200, 100x/1.25 oil immers., PLi, plan, infinity, Spring (iScope)
$ 285.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Objective IS.7260, 60x/0.85, PLi, plan, infinity, S (iScope)
Objective IS.7260, 60x/0.85, PLi, plan, infinity, S (iScope)
$ 285.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Objective IS.8940, 40x/0.65, PLPHi, plan, phase, infinity, S (iScope)
Objective IS.8940, 40x/0.65, PLPHi, plan, phase, infinity, S (iScope)
$ 306.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Measuring eyepiece IS.6210-P, WF 10x/22, pointer, Ø 30 mm (iScope)
Measuring eyepiece IS.6210-P, WF 10x/22, pointer, Ø 30 mm (iScope)
$ 103.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Measuring eyepiece IS.6010-C, WF10x/20 mm Ø 23.2mm, crosshair, (iScope)
Measuring eyepiece IS.6010-C, WF10x/20 mm Ø 23.2mm, crosshair, (iScope)
$ 94.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Large ceramic stage IS.9503, f. iScope.
Large ceramic stage IS.9503, f. iScope.
$ 810.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Objective IS.7240, 40x/0.65, PLi, plan, infinity (iScope)
Objective IS.7240, 40x/0.65, PLi, plan, infinity (iScope)
$ 231.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Objective IS.7220, 20x/0.40, PLi, plan, infinity (iScope)
Objective IS.7220, 20x/0.40, PLi, plan, infinity (iScope)
$ 204.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Objective IS.7200-I, 100x/1.25 oil immers., PLi , plan, infinity, iris diaphragm, Spring (iScope)
Objective IS.7200-I, 100x/1.25 oil immers., PLi , plan, infinity, iris diaphragm, Spring (iScope)
$ 680.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Objective IS.7440, 40x/0.75, PLi, plan, fluarex, infinity S (iScope)
Objective IS.7440, 40x/0.75, PLi, plan, fluarex, infinity S (iScope)
$ 680.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Eyepiece IS.6220, WF 20x/12 mm, Ø 30 mm, (iScope)
Eyepiece IS.6220, WF 20x/12 mm, Ø 30 mm, (iScope)
$ 156.00
ready for shipping in 24 h
Euromex Objective IS.8105, 5x/0.12, PLMi, plan, infinity (iScope)
Objective IS.8105, 5x/0.12, PLMi, plan, infinity (iScope)
$ 169.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Objective IS.7420, 20x/0.50, PLi, plan, fluarex , infinity (iScope)
Objective IS.7420, 20x/0.50, PLi, plan, fluarex , infinity (iScope)
$ 530.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Objective IS.8150, 50x/0.70, PLMi, plan, infinity (iScope)
Objective IS.8150, 50x/0.70, PLMi, plan, infinity (iScope)
$ 510.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Objective IS.7140, 40x/0.65, wd 0,45 mm, EPL, E-plan, S (iScope)
Objective IS.7140, 40x/0.65, wd 0,45 mm, EPL, E-plan, S (iScope)
$ 130.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Objective IS.7210, 10x/0.25, PLi, plan, infinity (iScope)
Objective IS.7210, 10x/0.25, PLi, plan, infinity (iScope)
$ 134.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Objective IS.7204, 4x/0.10, PLi , plan, infinity (iScope)
Objective IS.7204, 4x/0.10, PLi , plan, infinity (iScope)
$ 86.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Objective IS.8900, 100x/1.25, PLPHi oil immers., plan, phase, infinity, S (iScope)
Objective IS.8900, 100x/1.25, PLPHi oil immers., plan, phase, infinity, S (iScope)
$ 446.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Objective IS.7960-T, 60x/0.85, PLPOLi , plan, strain-free, infinity (iScope)
Objective IS.7960-T, 60x/0.85, PLPOLi , plan, strain-free, infinity (iScope)
$ 435.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Köhler attachment IS.9880,  for iScope
Köhler attachment IS.9880, for iScope
$ 70.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks
Euromex Objective IS.7900-T, 100/1,25 PLPOLi oil immers., plan, infinity, strain-free (iScope)
Objective IS.7900-T, 100/1,25 PLPOLi oil immers., plan, infinity, strain-free (iScope)
$ 387.00
ready for shipping in 3-5 weeks