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Accesorios de microscopía > Iluminación > lámpara otra > StarLight Opto-Electronics > StarLight Opto-Electronics DL4, pur-weiß (5.700 K), 200 lm, Duchmesser 84 mm

DL4, pur-weiß (5.700 K), 200 lm, Duchmesser 84 mm

facturable en 1-2 semanas + Tiempo transporte

Descripción del producto

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LED Transmitted Light DL4

The LED transmitted light from StarLight is characterized by superior finishing

quality. Due to the sophisticated design and the installed high quality

LEDs technology it performs efficiently and durably.

It is the perfect choice for applications with microscopy, which don’t have

an integrated transmitted light, for example microscopes with overhanging


• homogeneous illuminated area

• high quality surface made from scratch-resistant glass

• exact brightness control with separate control unit

• flicker free illumination by a high


En general

Diámetro (mm)

Seguridad productos

Fabricante: StarLight Opto-Electronics GmbH & Co. KG, Flachslander Straße, 90431 Nürnberg, DE, www.starlight-sl.de
StarLight Opto-Electronics DL4, pur-weiß (5.700 K), 200 lm, Duchmesser 84 mm

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