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Descripción del producto

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Microscope BA310

The BA310 from Motic is designed specifically for the rigors of daily routine work in the demanding applications of Universities, Clinics, Laboratories, and any other life science or medical application requiring quality optical performance. Using Motic's Color Corrected Infinity Optics (CCIS®) with newly designed EF-N Plan Achromats, this model's full Koehler configuration provides maximum illumination quality for even the most demanding samples. Also, the BA310's upgradeability to include additional contrast methods and discussion devices, ensure this model will offer long term functionality to all user levels in a variety of applications.


To improve the overall optical performance of the BA310, Motic introduces a newly designed generation of Plan Achromatic Objectives made of high quality optical glass; CCIS® EF-N Plan. These new lenses are now multi-layer coated for improved contrast to enhance images even with weak slide stainings. Together with a new calculated tube lens, the result is a fully corrected, perfected intermediate image without colored fringes.


The new standard eyepieces, N-WF 10X/20 with high eyepoint for eyeglass wearers, also made of high quality optical glass, provide consistent diopter adjustment for both eyes. This enables perfect usage of reticles for measuring, counting, etc. Lockable eyepieces prevent inadmissible removal and confirms Motic's dedication to student proof quality.

Eyepiece Tubes

Designed with an ergonomic viewing angle of 30º and incorporating an interpupillary distance of 48-75mm, the BA310 observation tubes guarantee fatigue-free viewing for hours. A large field of view (20mm) enables fast and comfortable screening. All standard eyepiece tubes now offer an extended “butterfly” swivel adjustment to increase the viewing height to accommodate individual user’s positioning. The trinocular tubes allow digital documentation by using a wide variety of digital cameras, with 20/80 or optional 0/100 light splits for the trinocular exit.


The BA310 offers multiple illumination options, such as the Koehler 6V/30W Halogen or 3W LED.

BA310 Digital

Another digitalization option is the BA310 digital head. Replacing the conventional head with the Digital head transforms the BA310 into a teaching, training, and analysis station without the hassle of adapters and focus corrections. With a USB2.0 output to the computer, the system provides high resolution imaging in both real time and capture modes.

Optical System: Color Corrected Infinity Optical System [CCIS®]

Observation Tube: Widefield binocular 30° [F.N. 20] with built-in 3 megapixel digital camera-light distribution 100:0/20:80

Camera Specifications:

  • Effective Pixels: 3.0 Megapixels
  • Live Image Resolution: 2048 x 1536
  • Data Transfer:480 Mb / Second USB 2.0
  • White Balance:Manual adjustment by using software
  • Recommended System:Windows: XP, Vista or 7; P4 1.0GHz 256MB RAM, USB 2.0
  • Requirements:Mac: OSX, 1.0GHz 256MB RAM, USB 2.0
  • Software:Motic Images Plus 2.0

Contrast Techniques

Phase Contrast -Slider solution

Offered as an option, phase contrast is available for objectives EF-N Plan Phase 10X/0.25 and EF-N Plan Phase 40X/0.65.

Darkfield - Slider solution

Darkfield is possible with a separate DF slider (upto 40X, max. N.A. 0.65).


Convenient and easy, the BA310 polarization system consists of a polarizer, placed on top of the collector lens, and the analyzer placed between the head and body.

Phase Contrast - Turret condenser

This Turret condenser contains the light rings for all EC-H Phase lenses 10X / 20X / 40X / 100X as well as a Dark field stop and a Bright field position.


Sistema óptico

Tipo de objetivo
Planacromático (4 (AN de 0,10), 10 (AN de 0,25), 40 (AN de 0,65), 100 (AN de 1,25, inmersión en aceite))
Condensador Abbe (AN de 1,25), con ranura para corredera, centraje y diafragma de iris
Luz transmitida
Tipo de lámpara


Tipo de construcción
Movimiento bruto y fino
Postura de observación (°)
Tubo Siedentopf; ángulo de visión de 30°
Mesa de objeto
Mesa en cruz


Mesa de centrado
Bolsa protectora contra polvo
Alojamiento de filtro
Ocular gran angular


Resolución foto
2048 x 1536

En general

Peso (g)
Anchura (mm)
Longitud (mm)
Altura (mm)

Campo de aplicación



Contraste de interferencias
Medicina veterinaria
Technische training
Escuela Superior

Seguridad productos

Fabricante: Motic Deutschland GmbH, Christian-Kremp-Straße 11, 35578 Wetzlar, DE, http://www.moticeurope.com/

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Motic Microscopio BA310, digital
Motic Microscopio BA310, digital
Motic Microscopio BA310, digital
Motic Microscopio BA310, digital
Motic Microscopio BA310, digital

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