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N° d'article : 45011

Microscope binoculaire BA310 MET-T, (6 "x4") (plan de travail: 152,4mmx101,6mm)

5.500,00 $ TVA incluse plus frais d'expédition
Trop cher ?
à court terme
expédié sous 1-2 semaines + durée de transport

Description du produit

En savoir plus sur la série BA-310 MET...

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BA310MET series, an affordable and powerful metallurgical microscope line of robust Incident light microscopes. Industrial quality control can be performed for all opaque materials like minerals and metal samples with ease and efficiency. Also, the BA310MET performs well in Educational environments of engineering and material professions, where affordability and ease-of-use are key demands.

Daily industrial work environments need a reliable microscope which focuses on ease-of-use as well as on work efficiency. Motic has paid careful attention to these market requirements in order to optimize the BA310MET’s features. The Epi-Illuminator with a 12V/50W Halogen illumination offers a powerful and adjustable light source ideal for all reflective samples. For increased illumination options, an easy replacement of the Halogen bulb is possible by an LED module of different color temperatures (4500K, 6000K). A built-in field diaphragm and aperture diaphragm help to optimize image quality by reducing stray light and increasing contrast. Also Motic's new Long-Working Distance LM Plan objectives for Incident light provide optimal image contrast through a multi-layer lens coating. Together with a fully corrected tube lens an intermediate image without color fringes is created, accessible through the Trinocular port and making digital images as clean and crisp as those seen through the eyepieces. The BA310MET design also includes a standardized ISO photo exit. Depending on the chosen model, a hard coated and chemical resistant stage with a minimum of 75x50mm travel range is offered. Depending on the application, larger stages with extended travel are available, as well as stage options for Transmitted light usage. For maximum sized samples, the BA310MET-H model is recommended.


For best optical performance of the BA310MET series, Motic introduces a new generation of Metallurgical LM Plan objectives. These Plan Achromatic objectives are made of high quality glass and follow the successful Motic CCIS® Optical concept. Multi-layer coating ensures improved contrast and image uality. The tube lens provides a completely corrected intermediate image, accessible by the photo port exit of the Trinocular head options. Documentation therefore is based on maximum image quality. The ball bearing 5-fold nosepiece shows a reversed orientation of the lenses and ensures parcentration and repeatability with every magnification change. For advanced resolution requests, two special EC-M Plan objectives are available.

BA310MET / MET-T Standard Specifications

  • Optical System Color Corrected Infinity Optical System [CCIS®]
  • Eyepieces N-WF 10X/20mm, with diopter adjustment
  • Observation Tubes Widefield binocular 30° [F.N. 20] Widefield trinocular 30° [F.N. 20] - light distribution 100:0/20:80
  • Nosepiece Reversed quintuple
  • Objectives CCIS© LM Plan 5X, 10X, 20X, 50X; 100X (optional) High NA objectives CCIS© EC-M Plan 20X and 50X (optional)
  • Stage BA310MET: 180x140mm surface; 75x50mm movement; coaxial controls; BA310MET-T: 240x140mm surface; 75x50mm movement; coaxial controls (3”x2”); BA310MET-T: 300x180mm surface; 150x100mm movement; coaxial controls (6”x4”)
  • Focus Brass gears; Z-Axis movement 30mm
  • Fine focus 2μm minimum increment
  • Incident light 12V/50W Halogen illuminator with external power supply Halogen bulb exchangeable with 3W LED (4500K,6000K), >20,000 hrs life span
  • Transmitted light BA310MET-T: Built-in 6V/30W Halogen Koehler illumination Halogen bulb exchangeable with 3W LED (4500K,6000K), >20,000 hrs life span
  • Condenser BA310MET-T: N.A. 0.85; focusable and centrable
  • Specimen thickness Max. 30mm



Type de l´objective
Plan, achromatique (Corrigé à l'infini, plan CCIS LM achromatique, DIN 45 mm; 5x / 013 (WD 20,3 mm), 10X / 0,25 (WD 17,5 mm), 20X / 0,4 (WD 8,1 mm), 50X / 0,55 (WD 8,4 mm))
condenseur Abbe (O.N. 1,25), avec encoche pour glissière, diaphragme à iris et centrage
Lumière incidente et lumière transmise
Type de lampe
éclairage halogène et LED interchangeable
Système optique


fond clair

Système mécanique

Type de construction
Mise au point
Mouvement rapide / fin
Posture d'observation (°)
Visée à 30°, tête rotative 360°
Platine porte-objet
Platine à chariot croisé


Platine de centrage
Sac de protection contre la poussière
Crochet de filtre
Oculaire grand champ

Données générales

Largeur (mm)
Poids (g)
Hauteur (mm)
BA-310 MET
Longueur (mm)

Domaine d'expertise


Domaine d´emploi

Contrast d´interférence
génie des matériaux

Sécurité des produits

Fabricant: Motic Deutschland GmbH, Christian-Kremp-Straße 11, 35578 Wetzlar, DE,

Accessoires recommandés

Accessoires de microscopie > Oculaires (4)

Motic Oculaire N-WF 10x / 20mm, avec réglage dioptrique (1 pièce)

81,00 $*
Accessoires de microscopie > Objectifs (7)

Motic Objectif 100x/0,8 (w.d.=2mm) CCIS LM plaine achromat.

1.160,00 $*
Accessoires de microscopie > Éclairage (6)

Motic Eclairage LED 3W pour BA310MET, BA310E 6000K

114,00 $*
Accessoires de microscopie > Appareils de prise de vue (10)

Motic Réticule croisé gradué pour oculaire (Ø25mm)

60,00 $*
Accessoires de microscopie > Divers (10)

Motic BA310 tête binoculaire Siedentopf, 30°; rotation 360°

229,00 $*
Accessoires de microscopie > Autre (3)

Motic Polariseur pour BA-310MET

42,90 $*
Fournitures de microscopie (2)

Bresser Huile d'immersion 5ml indice de réfraction nD=1,515

17,90 $*
Prix de base: 3.580,00 $/L

*Les prix s'entendent TVA comprise, frais d'expédition en plus.

Motic Microscope binoculaire BA310 MET-T, (6 "x4") (plan de travail: 152,4mmx101,6mm)
Motic Microscope binoculaire BA310 MET-T, (6 "x4") (plan de travail: 152,4mmx101,6mm)
Motic Microscope binoculaire BA310 MET-T, (6 "x4") (plan de travail: 152,4mmx101,6mm)
Motic Microscope binoculaire BA310 MET-T, (6 "x4") (plan de travail: 152,4mmx101,6mm)

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