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Evident Olympus Microscopio Olympus CX23 RFS1, bino, plan, achro, 40x,100x, 400x, 1000x, LED
Evident Olympus
Microscopio Olympus CX23 RFS1, bino, plan, achro, 40x,100x, 400x, 1000x, LED
$ 1.990,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio Olympus CX33, trino, r, plan, 40x,100x, 400x, LED
Evident Olympus
Microscopio Olympus CX33, trino, r, plan, 40x,100x, 400x, LED
$ 3.280,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio Olympus CX33 trino, l, plan, achro, 40x,100x, 400x, LED
Evident Olympus
Microscopio Olympus CX33 trino, l, plan, achro, 40x,100x, 400x, LED
$ 3.670,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio CX43 Standard, trino, infinity, LED, ohne Objektive!
Evident Olympus
Microscopio CX43 Standard, trino, infinity, LED, ohne Objektive!
$ 4.180,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio Olympus CX23 Photo, trino, plan, 40x,100x, 400x, LED
Evident Olympus
Microscopio Olympus CX23 Photo, trino, plan, 40x,100x, 400x, LED
$ 2.150,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Hund Microscopio Mikroskop H 600 Wilo-Prax PL limited Edition
Microscopio Mikroskop H 600 Wilo-Prax PL limited Edition
$ 3.160,00
spedibile in 1-2 settimane
Hund Microscopio H 600 Wilozyt Plan, bino, ph, 100x, - 1000x
Microscopio H 600 Wilozyt Plan, bino, ph, 100x, - 1000x
$ 3.900,00
spedibile in 1-2 settimane
Hund Microscopio H 600 Wilo-Prax PL, bino, 40x - 1000x
Microscopio H 600 Wilo-Prax PL, bino, 40x - 1000x
$ 2.970,00
spedibile in 1-2 settimane
Hund Microscopio H 600 PH Plan, bino, 200x - 1000x
Microscopio H 600 PH Plan, bino, 200x - 1000x
$ 4.250,00
spedibile in 1-2 settimane
Hund Microscopio H 600 LL HP 100, campo scuro
Microscopio H 600 LL HP 100, campo scuro
$ 6.100,00
spedibile in 1-2 settimane
Hund Microscopio Medicus plus, plan, trino, infinity, 40x - 1000x
Microscopio Medicus plus, plan, trino, infinity, 40x - 1000x
$ 2.070,00
spedibile in 1-2 settimane
Hund Microscopio MED PRAX 3, bino, 40x - 1000x
Microscopio MED PRAX 3, bino, 40x - 1000x
$ 850,00
spedibile in 1-2 settimane
Hund Microscopio H 600 LED AFL Myko, bino,  200x - 400x
Microscopio H 600 LED AFL Myko, bino, 200x - 400x
$ 5.000,00
spedibile in 1-2 settimane
Hund Microscopio AFL Plan 50, HBO 50W, bino, fluo, 100x - 1000x
Microscopio AFL Plan 50, HBO 50W, bino, fluo, 100x - 1000x
$ 8.000,00
spedibile in 1-2 settimane
Hund Microscopio H 600 AFL Plan 100, HBO 100W, fluo, bino, 100x - 1000x
Microscopio H 600 AFL Plan 100, HBO 100W, fluo, bino, 100x - 1000x
$ 9.500,00
spedibile in 1-2 settimane
Hund Microscopio H 600 Wilo-Brau, bino, 100x - 630x
Microscopio H 600 Wilo-Brau, bino, 100x - 630x
$ 3.430,00
spedibile in 1-2 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio Olympus CX43 FL, trino, infinity, LED, senza objectives
Evident Olympus
Microscopio Olympus CX43 FL, trino, infinity, LED, senza objectives
$ 10.000,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio Olympus CX23 RFS2, bino, plan, 40x,100x, 400x, LED
Evident Olympus
Microscopio Olympus CX23 RFS2, bino, plan, 40x,100x, 400x, LED
$ 1.560,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio Olympus CX43 Ergo, bino, infinity, LED, ohne Objektive!
Evident Olympus
Microscopio Olympus CX43 Ergo, bino, infinity, LED, ohne Objektive!
$ 5.400,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio Olympus CX43 Standard, bino, LED, w.o. objectives!
Evident Olympus
Microscopio Olympus CX43 Standard, bino, LED, w.o. objectives!
$ 4.040,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio Olympus CX43 POL, bino, LED, ohne Objektive!
Evident Olympus
Microscopio Olympus CX43 POL, bino, LED, ohne Objektive!
$ 5.700,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane
Evident Olympus Microscopio Olympus CX43 basic equipment with photo output_2, trino, infinity, LED, without objectives!
Evident Olympus
Microscopio Olympus CX43 basic equipment with photo output_2, trino, infinity, LED, without objectives!
$ 5.900,00
spedibile in 3-5 settimane