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Euromex Zoom-Stereomikroskop DZ.1604, Bino, Doppelkopfsystem, 8-50x
Zoom-Stereomikroskop DZ.1604, Bino, Doppelkopfsystem, 8-50x
$ 12.100,00
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Euromex Microscoop Mikroskop DX.1158-APLi, trino, plan, apo, 40x-1000x, ergo head, AL, LED-3W
Microscoop Mikroskop DX.1158-APLi, trino, plan, apo, 40x-1000x, ergo head, AL, LED-3W
$ 11.700,00
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Euromex Microscoop Delphi-X, DX.2158-APLi, trino, 40x - 1000x, Plan semi-apochromat., mit ergonom. Kopf u.100W Halogen-Beleuchtung
Microscoop Delphi-X, DX.2158-APLi, trino, 40x - 1000x, Plan semi-apochromat., mit ergonom. Kopf u.100W Halogen-Beleuchtung
$ 11.500,00
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Euromex Microscoop DX.1153-APLi, trino, 40x - 1000x, fluarex
Microscoop DX.1153-APLi, trino, 40x - 1000x, fluarex
$ 9.700,00
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Euromex Microscoop DX.1158-PLi, trino, infinity, 10x/25,  plan, 40x - 1000x,  LED, 3W
Microscoop DX.1158-PLi, trino, infinity, 10x/25, plan, 40x - 1000x, LED, 3W
$ 8.200,00
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Euromex Microscoop DX.1153-PLPHi, phase, trino, infinity, 40x - 1000x
Microscoop DX.1153-PLPHi, phase, trino, infinity, 40x - 1000x
$ 8.000,00
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Euromex microscoop DX.1153-PLi, trino, 40x - 1000x
microscoop DX.1153-PLi, trino, 40x - 1000x
$ 6.700,00
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Euromex Stereozoommicroscoop DZ.1100, ergo binokop, 8-80x, LED
Stereozoommicroscoop DZ.1100, ergo binokop, 8-80x, LED
$ 6.300,00
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Euromex Stereozoommicroscoop DZ.1105, vaste binokop, 8-80x, LED
Stereozoommicroscoop DZ.1105, vaste binokop, 8-80x, LED
$ 4.950,00
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Euromex Stereozoommicroscoop DZ.1800, ergo binokop, 8-64x, LED
Stereozoommicroscoop DZ.1800, ergo binokop, 8-64x, LED
$ 4.810,00
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Euromex Stereozoommicroscoop DZ.1600, ergokop, 8-50x, LED
Stereozoommicroscoop DZ.1600, ergokop, 8-50x, LED
$ 4.530,00
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Euromex NZ.1703-B, NexiusZoom EVO, 6.5x to 55x, double-arm boom stand, w.o. illumination, trino
NZ.1703-B, NexiusZoom EVO, 6.5x to 55x, double-arm boom stand, w.o. illumination, trino
$ 1.440,00
Klaar voor verzending in 3-5 weken
Euromex Stereozoommicroscoop DZ.1805, vaste kop, 8-64x, LED
Stereozoommicroscoop DZ.1805, vaste kop, 8-64x, LED
$ 3.510,00
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Euromex Stereozoommicroscoop DZ.1605, vaste binokop, 8-50x, LED
Stereozoommicroscoop DZ.1605, vaste binokop, 8-50x, LED
$ 3.230,00
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Euromex Microscoop BioBlue, BB.4269, Bino, digital, 5MP, DIN, semi plan 40x- 600x, 10x/18, NeoLED, 1W
Microscoop BioBlue, BB.4269, Bino, digital, 5MP, DIN, semi plan 40x- 600x, 10x/18, NeoLED, 1W
$ 1.060,00
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Euromex Microscoop iScope IS.1153-PLi/DFI, DF, trino, infinity, plan, 4x-100x, 100x iris, IOS super contrast oil, spring, LED, 3W
Microscoop iScope IS.1153-PLi/DFI, DF, trino, infinity, plan, 4x-100x, 100x iris, IOS super contrast oil, spring, LED, 3W
$ 2.910,00
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Euromex NexiusZoom, NZ.1903-PG, trino, 6.7x-45x, Säule, 2 Schwanenhalslampen
NexiusZoom, NZ.1903-PG, trino, 6.7x-45x, Säule, 2 Schwanenhalslampen
$ 1.070,00
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Euromex NZ.1703-GEML, NexiusZoom Evo, 6.5x to 55x, gemology , 30W 6V halogen transmitted, 1W LED incident illumination
NZ.1703-GEML, NexiusZoom Evo, 6.5x to 55x, gemology , 30W 6V halogen transmitted, 1W LED incident illumination
$ 2.620,00
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Euromex NZ.1703-GEMF, NexiusZoom GEM, 6.5x to 55x, 30W 6V, 7W fluorescent, trino
NZ.1703-GEMF, NexiusZoom GEM, 6.5x to 55x, 30W 6V, 7W fluorescent, trino
$ 2.600,00
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Euromex Microscoop BioBlue, BB.4250, mono, DIN, 40x-1000x, 10x/18, LED, 1W
Microscoop BioBlue, BB.4250, mono, DIN, 40x-1000x, 10x/18, LED, 1W
$ 520,00
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Euromex Stereomikroskop SB.1903-U StereoBlue 0.7/4.5 Trino
Stereomikroskop SB.1903-U StereoBlue 0.7/4.5 Trino
$ 900,00
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Euromex NZ.1903-GEML, NexiusZoom, 6.7x to 45x, gemology , 30W 6V halogen transmitted, 1W LED incident illumination, trino
NZ.1903-GEML, NexiusZoom, 6.7x to 45x, gemology , 30W 6V halogen transmitted, 1W LED incident illumination, trino
$ 2.370,00
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Euromex NZ.1703-AP, NexiusZoom EVO, 6.5x to 55x Gelenkarm m.Tischklemme, o. Beleuchtung, trino
NZ.1703-AP, NexiusZoom EVO, 6.5x to 55x Gelenkarm m.Tischklemme, o. Beleuchtung, trino
$ 2.340,00
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Euromex Stereo zoom microscoop NZ.1702-AP, 6.5-55x, Gelenkarm, Grundplatte, bino
Stereo zoom microscoop NZ.1702-AP, 6.5-55x, Gelenkarm, Grundplatte, bino
$ 2.120,00
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Euromex Microscoop Mikroskop BioBlue, BB.4220-P-HLED, mono, DIN, 40x-400x, 10x/18, LED, 1W
Microscoop Mikroskop BioBlue, BB.4220-P-HLED, mono, DIN, 40x-400x, 10x/18, LED, 1W
$ 820,00
$ 615,76
Klaar voor verzending in 24 u
Euromex NZ.1703-A, NexiusZoom EVO, 6.5x to 55x, articulated stand, w.o. illumination, trino
NZ.1703-A, NexiusZoom EVO, 6.5x to 55x, articulated stand, w.o. illumination, trino
$ 1.970,00
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Euromex Stereo zoom microscoop NZ.1703-M, 6.5-55x, Säule,  Auf-u. Durchlicht, trino, Spiegel f. Dunkelfeld, Embryologie
Stereo zoom microscoop NZ.1703-M, 6.5-55x, Säule, Auf-u. Durchlicht, trino, Spiegel f. Dunkelfeld, Embryologie
$ 1.890,00
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Euromex NZ.1702-A, NexiusZoom EVO, 6,5x to 55x, articulated stand, w.o. illumination, bino
NZ.1702-A, NexiusZoom EVO, 6,5x to 55x, articulated stand, w.o. illumination, bino
$ 1.840,00
Klaar voor verzending in 3-5 weken
Euromex Stereo zoom microscoop NZ.1702-M, 6.5-55x, Säule,  Auf-u. Durchlicht, bino, Spiegel f. Dunkelfeld, Embryologie
Stereo zoom microscoop NZ.1702-M, 6.5-55x, Säule, Auf-u. Durchlicht, bino, Spiegel f. Dunkelfeld, Embryologie
$ 1.820,00
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Euromex NexiusZoom NZ.1903-S, tandheugelstatief, trinoculair, 0,67-45x
NexiusZoom NZ.1903-S, tandheugelstatief, trinoculair, 0,67-45x
$ 980,00
Klaar voor verzending in 24 u
Euromex Microscoop BioBlue, BB.4263, bino, DIN, semiplan, 40x-600x, 10x/18, NeoLED, 1W
Microscoop BioBlue, BB.4263, bino, DIN, semiplan, 40x-600x, 10x/18, NeoLED, 1W
$ 640,00
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Euromex Microscoop Mikroskop EcoBlue EC.1005, mono, digital, 5MP, achro. 40x, 100x, 400x, LED
Microscoop Mikroskop EcoBlue EC.1005, mono, digital, 5MP, achro. 40x, 100x, 400x, LED
$ 590,00
Klaar voor verzending in 3-5 weken
Euromex NZ.1902-B-ESD, NexiusZoom, 0,67-45x, dubbele arm, zonder verlichting, ESD
NZ.1902-B-ESD, NexiusZoom, 0,67-45x, dubbele arm, zonder verlichting, ESD
$ 1.640,00
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Euromex Microscoop Mikroskop BioBlue, BB.4205, digital, mono, DIN, 40x - 400x, 10x/18, LED, 1W
Microscoop Mikroskop BioBlue, BB.4205, digital, mono, DIN, 40x - 400x, 10x/18, LED, 1W
$ 790,00
$ 528,10
Klaar voor verzending in 24 u
Euromex NexiusZoom Evo NZ.1703-PG, trino, 6.5x-55x
NexiusZoom Evo NZ.1703-PG, trino, 6.5x-55x
$ 1.420,00
Klaar voor verzending in 3-5 weken
Euromex NZ.1702-B, NexiusZoom EVO, 6,5x to 55x, double-arm boom stand, w.o. illumination, bino
NZ.1702-B, NexiusZoom EVO, 6,5x to 55x, double-arm boom stand, w.o. illumination, bino
$ 1.370,00
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