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SZO Series
OPTIKA SZO Series represents a very compact Greenough stereo microscope with 6.72:1 zoom and 110mm working distance for professional environments and laboratories which allows the observation of samples without any particular preparation, yet producing incredibly crisp and detailed images. An extensive range composed by binocular and trinocular heads with 23mm field of view for a very wide peripheral view and comfortable posture even after several hours of operation. Trinocular heads enable simultaneous eyepiece and camera observation, opening new horizons and enabling a very practical and comfortable operation. Discover how easily an enhanced accuracy and repeatability can be achieved thanks to the click-stop zoom for precise and repetitive observations. An extremely wide stand selection gives the chance to create tailored stereomicroscope: choose among the several models available to cover every customers’ needs, in terms of illumination (including the state-of-the-art, exclusive X-LED³ incident light of 3.6W on selected models), arm extension (including overhanging stands) and focusing system. Special external illuminators and moving/heating stages are also available for specific applications. Keep in my mind the application, always: if you are soldering a printed circuit board, it may be more important to have a long working distance; if you are counting items, then a large field of view will be of great assistance.
Head: Binocular, 360° rotating on all stands and 45° inclined.
Interpupillary distance: Adjustable between 51 and 75 mm.
Dioptric adjustment: On both eyepieces.
Eyepieces: WF10x/23 mm, high eye-point.
Objective: Parfocal achromatic zoom 0.67x…4.5x (zoom factor 6.72:1) with click-stop detents.
Working distance: 110 mm
Optical system: Greenough (15° inclined)