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Glossary | Microscopes | General | Microscope Series | AE2000

The microscopes in the AE2000 series are suitable for both teaching and professional use.

Motic AE2000

Motic AE2000
Motic AE2000

The AE2000 series of inverted microscopes from Motic are the ideal instruments for routine living-cell testing or for quality testing of opaque specimens in industry. The AE2000 is designed for routine laboratory testing as well as for clinical work. It meets the research requirements of pharmaceutical laboratories or universities, and is more than capable of meeting users’ expectations.

Motic AE2000

Main features

  • Optical System: infinity objective (CCIS®)
  • Eyepieces: N-WF10X/20mm
  • Objectives: LM Plan Achromatic
  • Illumination (MET): Köhler incident light quartz halogen 12V/100W
  • Illumination (life science): transmitted light halogen 6V/30W